(Professionalization of Trainers for Work Based Basic Skills)


All over Europe, the participation of low-qualified employees in vocational training is far below average, their risk of unemployment is high. In the current professional debates, these employees have increasingly come into focus in the last 10 years as an endogenous potential for securing competitiveness. As an access option for the acquisition of low-skilled target groups for lifelong learning, companies are becoming increasingly important.

Work-based basic skills training as a vocational training offer proves itself in the European area as a significant way to reach these employees for a development of their basic competencies. A variety of national and European projects and implementation strategies have generated empirical findings on this innovative training field on how access to companies and employees, work-based learning and competence development can be designed and which organizational conditions promote this business field. It has been shown that if strategies for continuing education are to be successful for unskilled workers, work-based learning must be professionally designed.



PROFI-TRAIN uses the knowledge base of work based basic skills training and aims at the development of a transferable and flexible professional training concept for experts in adult education and vocational training – teaching, guiding and disposing experts – in order to contribute to professional development.

The professional training concept was contextualised and tested in six countries. Slovenian Institute for Adult Education was responsible for the second of four intellectual outputs (IO2) which encompaases conceptual framework and coordination of development of six curricularly edited thematic Modules.

Photo from the kick-off meeting of project partners in Dortmund in November 2017.


A leaflet with gathered basic information about the PROFI-TRAIN is available here.


Project results

The professional training concept „Competence for work-based basic skills” consists of three building blocks:

  • Self-Study Manual (Acquiring competences for work-based basic skills training, in six chapters), developed for trainers, teachers, guidance practitioners as well as project managers and decision makers in adult education organisations.
    EN – PDF
  • Guide for training of the trainers in face to face seminars (Competent to train Work Based Basic Skills – WBBS, six curricularly edited thematic modules for the realization of seminars).
    EN – PDF
  • European Roadmap – guidelines for stakeholders.
    EN – PDF

There is an official Profi-Train project webpage on work-based basic skills, where all materials mentioned above are available online in 5 languages.

Project details
Timeframe: 1st September 2017 – 31st August 2020
Programme: Erasmus+, K2
Coordinator: Germany
Partner countries: Slovenia, Malta, Austia, Czech, Greece, Switzerland (silent partner)
Project coordinator for Slovenia: Estera Možina, MA (T: 01 5842 591, F: 01 5842 550, E:
Project associates in Slovenia: Petra Javrh, PhD