Development of adult literacy 2011-2014
The Literacy Development and Assessment and Recognition of Non-Formal Learning 2011–2014 project represented the continuation of our activities in the area of adult literacy development and the evaluation and recognition of knowledge and experience acquired by adults informally. These activities took place already within the scope of the Literacy Development and Assessment and Recognition of Non-Formal Learning 2009–2011. The project was implemented within the scope of the Operational Programme for HR Development in the 2007–2013 Period (link is to the page in the Slovenian language), development priority entitled Development of Human Resources and Lifelong Learning and the priority axis entitled Improvement of the Quality and Effectiveness of Education and Training Systems.
The Development of Human Resources and Lifelong Learning development priority emphasised mainly that the development of resources in modern society is increasingly based not only on formal but also other non-formal forms and methods of learning and teaching. The project therefore devoted special attention to the creation of new opportunities for the inclusion of various groups of adults (especially those that are disadvantaged from the point of view of inclusion in lifelong learning) into non-formal learning for the acquisition of essential competences for the inclusion in further education and learning, for competing successfully on the labour market and for greater social inclusion.
We strengthened the elements of lifelong learning with further development and introduction of procedures for the evaluation and recognition of knowledge acquired within the scope of non-formal and ad-hoc learning in the area of adult education whereby new opportunities opened up for adults to undergo further education and training as well as new opportunities on the labour market.