EFLN – European Family Learning Network
The project aimed to establish a European Family Learning Network to create a mechanism for the on-going exchange of expertise, good practice and developments in the area of research and development of this field.
The two important aims of the project were:
- promotion of various forms of family learning and raising awareness about the importance of such an activity – at the level of institutions that have conducted or could conduct it, and at the level of planning social development and policy and
- promotion of the creation of national and local family learning networks.
The project began in December 2006 and dealt with the various forms and contents of family learning. The project included the preparation of three thematic seminars that were attended by experts in the area of family learning through the Grundtvig 3 programme.
Seminar content included:
- participation of parents in their children’s learning (Nuremberg, Germany, November 2007);
- setup of national and local family learning networks (Karjaa, Finland, May 2008) and
- family learning and active citizenship (Iasi, Romania, November 2008).
The project was mainly aimed at experts and practitioners involved in the development of family learning programmes and projects to improve basic skills and promote lifelong learning. The experts and practitioners in the network aimed to promote new options and opportunities for low-education families in partner countries that require help in learning. The project devoted special attention to immigrant and ethnic minority families.
The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education has participated and still participates in the area of family literacy as one of the forms of family learning. The family literacy programmes of the Slovenian Institute of Adult Education were presented in greater detail to a broader circle of experts coming mainly from Germany and Great Britain whereby the presentation was given at the meeting of partner institutions in Nuremberg in November 2007.
The project concluded with a closing conference entitled Family Learning and Creation of a Lifelong Learning Society in June 2009.
Project results
- website;
- three seminars financed from the Grundtvig 3 programme;
- informational bulletin published twice a year and available on the project website;
- family learning publication and
- closing conference.
Project details
Timeframe: 2006 – 2009
Programme: Grundtvig 4
Coordinator: Campaign for Learning, Birmingham, Great Britain
Partner countries: France, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Great Britain
Project coordinator for Slovenia: Estera Možina, MA (T: 01 5842 591, F: 01 5842 550, E: ester.mozina@acs.si)
Project associates in Slovenia: Livija Knaflič, PhD